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London Wildlife Trust and SHRNF day in the woods. ​ May 8th 2022
London Wildlife Trust invited SHRNF to have a stand in the woods which we used as a platform to launch the summer community-engagement exercise.  The SHRNF stall was run by committee members, Monica Ngobese, Daphne Hunter and David Frail. There was lots interaction and interest; connected with a lot of locals, some of whom had heard of SHRNF but most had not.  About 200 people came to the stall, chatted, and took leaflets, a large number of whom seemed keen to know what SHRNF are about.  Even those from beyond the SHRNF Area still expressed interest in the project.  Contact details were left by 28 people. We also distributed Mais House campaign flyers.












Sydenham Hill Wood: two guided walks in the Wood by LWT, 26 April

Sam Taylor, London Wildlife Trust’s Conservation Officer, will be leading two guided walks from 11am-12pm & 2-3pm on Tuesday, 26 April.  To join in, there's no need to book, just meet Sam at the Crescent Wood Road entrance opposite Countisbury House.  

For further info on the walk please see here.

Sam can also provide info on the London Wildlife Trust's need to raise at least £50,000 via The Big Give’s Green Match Fund for this work.  During 22-29 April, The Big Give & The Dulwich Society will match donations up to a total of £10,000.  Restoring the wood following heavy use during lockdown is expensive – recent improvements cost £18,000 for 150m – so any support you feel you can offer in protecting this special local place. would be gratefully received.  Donations open 12.00pm 22 April - 12.00pm 29 April.  Donations may be made here.

Mais House planning application:

Watch Lewisham's Strategic Planning Committee meeting which considered the Mais House reapplication by the City of London: Strategic Planning Committee - Tuesday, 29th June 2021 at 7:30pm - Lewisham Council Webcasting (
For further info on this matter, please see the NEWS page: NEWS | Sydenham Hill Ridge

The following email was circulated re the above meeting on Mais House, Sydenham Hill; we urge all with an interest to attend to receive information and have your say on this reintroduced planning application by the City of London 


cc: Lewisham and Southwark Councillors of SH Ridge


NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING, 11am, Sunday, 27 June 2021 to discuss the planning application for Mais House/Otto Close


Lewisham Council is holding a Strategic Planning Meeting on Tuesday, 29 June 2021 at 19.30 to determine the planning application for the Land at Sydenham Hill Estate, 44 Sydenham Hill, SE26 6ND (known as Mais House and Otto Close garages).

This application had been approved but, on 18 May 2021, the decision was quashed by a Judicial Review crowd-funded by local residents. The judge found that: Given the number of significant errors made by the Council, and the possibility that, absent such errors, a different conclusion could have been reached by the Planning Committee, I consider that the decision to grant planning permission ought to be quashed.

The timeline for consultation on, and preparation for, the meeting on Tuesday of next week is extremely tight. So, SHRNF proposes to hold a public meeting (by zoom) on Sunday, 27 June at 11am to allow attendees to be briefed on, and to discuss, the application.

It is envisaged the meeting will last around one hour, with time added, as necessary. Please register in advance for the public meeting so we may gauge attendance:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Attached please find the case document for the Lewisham 29 June strategic planning meeting, and the link to the agenda is here:

Lewisham Council - Agenda for Strategic Planning Committee on Tuesday, 29th June, 2021, 7.30 pm

SHRNF members, and all those concerned about this and future development on the Ridge, are encouraged to go to the Lewisham Planning Portal, application reference no. DC/20/115160, to comment individually. You can also attend the Council Chamber meeting and may speak, but you will need to register with Jasmine Kassim, at least 3 working days prior to the meeting.

The application concerns:

Demolition of existing buildings at Mais House and Otto Close garages, SE26, and redevelopment to provide a part four, six and seven storey building and a part two and three storey terrace building providing a total of 110 residential units (use class C3), community room and estate office; together with alterations to the existing ball court; associated works to vehicular and pedestrian access from Sydenham Hill, Lammas Green and Kirkdale; provision of car and cycle parking, refuse storage and landscaping including amenity space and play area.

Look forward to discussing with you this important issue for our area.


Best Regards

David Begley, SHRNF Convenor, and Daphne Hunter, SHRNF Secretary

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